Loving Your Body After Pregnancy

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Healthy, Fun, Awesome Mothers
After having a baby, you may not jump right back into feeling like yourself. Your body has gone through many changes and will take time to get back to somewhat normal. Have no fear! It is possible to feel confident and energetic again so you can enjoy your growing family.

It takes time for your body to recover and your family to adjust to the new addition. Sleep patterns will take time to change and jumping right back into exercising isn’t for everyone. Check with your doctor before you begin a hard exercise routine again and make sure you get plenty of rest! This will help you get back to feeling like yourself faster because sleep does wonders for a new mom.

Eating well not only benefits you, but also your baby if you are breastfeeding. You will need a lot of food that’s healthy and easy to grab. Mom life is busy and the first few weeks home with a new baby will leave you feeling drained. You may not feel like cooking, so make sure you have quick, nutritious snacks and easy to prepare meals. Getting into the habit of eating healthy will make losing that baby weight easier when you start exercising again.

Once you get the go ahead for exercising, start with a routine that is easy for your level of fitness. Pushing yourself could cause injury and tire you out. You will already be tired from caring for a new baby. Walks with your baby in a stroller would be a good bonding experience and get you both some much needed fresh air. Some towns have mom groups that do stroller walks and once you work up to it, they have more difficult exercising classes for moms as well. This would be a good way to make new friends and feel good about yourself.

Having a good support group will make you feel good about yourself too. You can get positive feedback about what you are doing and encouragement to continue working on yourself. Moms need to feel good all around mentally, physically, and emotionally. It’s not easy to take care of a baby if one of those areas is suffering. Having a good support group can help with that.

Your life changes when you have a new baby and so does your body. You will fit back into your old clothes and get energy back with the right amount of work and determination. Women are awesome because they can bounce back from many things including having a baby. You will have new motivation to make yourself stronger so you can take care of the new baby and later do some fun, awesome things with the baby when they grow up.

You will feel like a fabulous woman and mom again because once a woman sets her mind to something, it will happen. Enjoy your baby and do what makes yourself feel good!
