Tips For New Moms Dealing With Postpartum Weight Loss

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You just had your baby. Part of you wants to get rid of the baby weight right away. Those who just gave birth fall into two categories. There are those who lose the baby weight right away, without much fuss. The other group involves those of you who take a little longer.

Do not despair. You will lose the weight. It may just take a little bit of effort from you. Your body has gone through some major changes. Your body is not the same as it was before you baby came.

Here are some tips to help you deal with postpartum weight loss.

1) It is important to have a good grasp on portion control. When you were eating for two it was easier to give into the excuses. It was easier to blame that third burger on “feeding the baby”. Doctors told you you had to eat more for the baby. Now the baby is here. You are going to have to adjust your eating habits. Most doctors recommend eating 3 meals a day with 2 snacks. Eat healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Eating healthy is a good way to lose those extra pounds.

2) You need to count your calories. When you were pregnant, many of you had to increase your calories. You were eating for two. You had to double pretty much everything. It is time to start going back to your normal calorie count. Talk to your doctor before you do. He or she may advise you to change some things. There is a calorie page you can view to see what you need and when. Your normal calorie intake should be between 2200-2400. Keeping control over your calories is also going to help you lsoe weight.

Those who do not keep control over this are more likely to suffer from postpartum depression and other things of this nature.

3) Ask yourself some questions. What am I hungry for? Your body will give you indications on what it wants. The idea is to not always go for the junk. Does your body crave something in particular? Give yourself permission to indulge, but not by too much. The idea is not to eat out of boredom. Many women suffering from postpartum eat out of being lazy or bored. This will also contribute to the weight gain. Eat smart.

4) Try not to indulge in “fad diets”. Fad diets are the ones that claim to help you lose weight. Cut to two weeks later, you have gained another 20 pounds. These diets are called a “fad” for a reason. True dieting is about making healthy food choices, exercise, and portion control. It is up to you to know the difference.

5) Taking off the baby weight can take up to 2 years, sometimes 18 months. Give yourself some breathing room. You are not a celebrity who has to be in the public eye. Some women can naturally shed the weight. You may not be on of these women. Take your time and love yourself. Rome was not built in a day.
